The Department of 哲学 faculty at St. 365比分网电竞 help prepare students to become innovative 和 logical thinkers with a wide range of marketable skills — from rational analysis 和 analytical thinking to critical inquiry 和 logical problem solving.

Through the in-depth study of life’s fundamental questions, students taking courses in the Department of 哲学 will grow as individuals while preparing for many professional fields. 我们的专业考察 traditional areas of 哲学, such as logic, epistemology, political theory 和 religion. They may also explore ethics 和 debate moral dilemmas in medicine, 业务, 环境, 公共政策和法律.

研究生s from our department often continue their education with graduate degrees 在哲学, 法律或医学.

St. 365比分网电竞

Two Things the 专业 Need!

你的 度计划 和 how to get in touch with your instructor (see below).

And for more information, you can always contact Dr. 杰克Musselman in 圣十字堂 414 or our Department Chair, Dr. 马克樱桃在圣十字堂417号.

Still want to learn more about truth 和 justice, right 和 wrong?

Dr. 彼得一个. 之后 在圣十字大厅418号.


研究 哲学 to 学会如何生活为了得到一个 top LSAT 和 GRE 和 GMAT score,和 伟大的工作, outearn 业务 和 chemistry majors.

The importance of 哲学 today: Don’t Dismiss the HumanitiesNicholas Kristof著; 《365bet足球比分》

约翰。克利斯:  Why 哲学 is Nothing to Laugh About

哲学's role in shaping leaders: How 哲学 Makes You a Better Leader,大卫·布伦德尔著; The Harvard Business Review

How 哲学 helps in 业务: The Unexpected Way 哲学 专业 Are Changing the World of Business,卡罗琳·格雷瓜尔著; 赫芬顿邮报

Even a magazine devoted to people studying psychology published an article that 哲学 is a great major 找到好工作!

And don't just take it from 教授 on campus! 哲学 is a Great Major spells out all the reasons to become a lover of wisdom right now!

即使是 editorial page of Forbes magazine thinks 哲学 majors are well worth it!

这是 poster of famous philosophers to hang on your wall--unless you'd rather just read a long list of famous 哲学 majors.

Skeptical about all these claims? 优秀的! You're ready to be a 哲学 major! And don't trust us just because we said all this. 问圣. 爱德华的 心理学 professor 艾伦Swinkels, English professor (和 lawyer) 吸引了洛伊, 法国 professor (和 Department Chair) 菲利普Seminet, University Studies professor 科里锁, Associate Vice President of 入学 特雷西·曼尼尔是B.A. degrees 在哲学 prepared them for life 和 work. They're bound to tell you it really helped them prepare for careers 和 more.

And your 哲学 Department is the 只有 one on campus where each 和 every faculty member won the university's Distinguished Teaching Award: viz., 马克樱桃 in 2003, Peter 之后 in 2010, 杰克Musselman in 2018.


The four career counselors in the Career 和 Professional Development office (Moody Hall 134, phone 512-448-8530) can help you find an internship that works for you! 你的 skills as a 哲学 major--i.e. critical 和 analytical reasoning to provide clear 和 compelling arguments--are in dem和 by non-profits, for-profits 和 government employers. So, go to Moody Hall 134 和 talk to a career counselor to get an internship. 在那之后, go talk to your 哲学 faculty about how that internship can become a 哲学 course under their supervision.

St. 365比分网电竞


Juniors 和 seniors majoring in either 哲学 or Religious 和 Theological Studies may receive the Lillian Cervenka Scholarship 和 艺术hur Kinsella Scholarship. These two departments alternate every other year giving this 学者hip 和 recipients are selected by the faculty in 哲学 or the faculty in Religious 和 Theological Studies. Recipients are announced at St. 365比分网电竞 Honors Night.

Online 资源 (including how to transfer from ACC to get a B.A. 圣?. 爱德华的)

奥斯汀社区学院:取 two years of 哲学 at ACC 然后 转往St. 爱德华必须得B.A. 在哲学.

American Philosophical Association:主要的U.S. organization for philosophers

哲学问题: a 脸谱网 page of articles, news, editorials 和 cartoons


St. 365比分网电竞 Department of 哲学 脸谱网 page

Stanford Encyclopedia of 哲学: professional philosophers share interesting articles

校友 研究生 Studies 和 Professional 职业生涯

两名校友 富布赖特 学者 和 many others have been admitted to graduate studies at American University, 贝勒大学, 波士顿学院, 布兰代斯大学, 德保罗大学, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, 巴黎), École Normale Supérieure (ENS, 巴黎), 埃默里大学, 哈佛大学, the University of Houston, 堪萨斯大学, 路易iana State University, Loyola Marymount University, the University of Missouri, 罗耀拉大学, the New School for Social Research, University of Northern Colorado, the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po, 巴黎), University of Pennsylvania, 普渡大学, 斯坦福大学, St. 玛丽的大学, 德克萨斯大学, 德克萨斯州立大学, 德克萨斯理工大学, 德克萨斯女子大学, University of the 艺术s (Berlin), Williams College 和 William 和 Mary.

我们的校友工作 律师 和 police officers 和 哲学 教授 和 艺术史教授, as 文化批评 和 记者音乐家 和 艺术家,作为雇员 苹果 和 Airbnb K-12 老师 和 social workers 和 as USDA Forest Service firefighters, 和 one of our alumni is the head brewer at Strap Tank Brewery 在犹他州. 


Associate Professor of 哲学 杰克Musselman explores the political, ethical 和 moral trade-offs of living greener in the 21st century in this overview of his Environmental Ethics course.