选择数学专业,追求你对解决问题的热情, 并为高影响力的工程职业做好准备, 统计数据, 金融, 密码学, 航空, 科学研究或商业.


探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 使用 数学BA专业指南 or 数学专业指南 找到你感兴趣的东西, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个重要的经验,启动你的未来. 

加深你对微积分的理解, 近世代数, 物理学与统计学, and build your programming and computational skills in applied computer science courses.

与教授合作,在你感兴趣的领域进行研究, 无论是生物学还是政治学. You’ll benefit from the university’s state-of-the-art computer infrastructure, 创新研究的软件和数据存储. Take advantage of Austin’s dynamic technology and innovation scene and the mathematics meetings that happen in the city each semester. 离开圣. 爱德华的 ready to continue your education in graduate school or immediately begin your career in urban development, 市场研究, 计算机技术, 政府或教学.


数学 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 苹果数据分析师
  • SpaceX公司采购分析师
  • 国家安全局的数据分析员
  • 辉固石油的机械设计师 & 能源公司
  • T3的全栈开发人员
  • 哈佛-史密森天体物理中心研究生研究员
  • 德州大学奥斯汀分校数学博士研究生 & 华盛顿大学统计遗传学教授, 范德比尔特大学和凯斯西储大学的物理学教授
  • 埃默里大学数学硕士生, the ESTEEM 研究生 Program for entrepreneurship at the University of Notre Dame, 他是普渡大学和德克萨斯大学的机械工程专家, 休斯顿大学的统计学和数据科学, 以及哈佛大学的教育和学校领导.

在圣的一天. 爱德华的

暑期实习与数学专业有关 斯特拉·坎宁安,21岁 奥斯丁市和一份可能的职业. 读到 她的圣日. 爱德华大学学生 以及她完成的令人兴奋的研究.


作为一个数学专业的学生, you’ll be part of a community of students and professors who value creativity and the courage to tackle difficult, 尚未解决的问题. You’ll build these relationships alongside your problem-solving skills in classes, 研究项目, 比赛和课外俱乐部.


St的核心组成部分. 爱德华的 mathematics program is a four-semester sequence of research courses. 在这些课上, you’ll conduct open-ended research on 尚未解决的问题 individually with faculty members. You’ll present your findings at regional and national professional conferences, where you’ll meet other mathematicians and learn about graduate-school options and careers in your field.

数学 majors participate in the William Lowell Putnam 数学 Competition, 全球最优秀的大学生数学竞赛. A typical competition involves two 3-hour sessions in which students solve 12 problems. Thousands of math majors nationwide score 0 points every year due to the hyper-strict grading scale, 所以任何正分数都是值得注意的成就. 在过去的十年里,来自St. 爱德华的学生在考试中得了高分.


圣. 爱德华的 Math Club is a student chapter of the 数学 Association of America. 成员们一起参加地区数学会议, 介绍数学概念,并帮助当地学校的科学展览, 参与全球MegaMenger协同分形构建. The club also hosts student and alumni research talks and serves as a forum for social events like Halloween pumpkin carving, 打保龄球, 激光枪战和披萨派对.

圣. 爱德华的 Maker Club attracts tinkerers and programmers who have worked on projects involving 3-D printing, 焊接, 编程LED条, 通过编程创造艺术.


Strong students with an interest in teaching and mentoring can serve as teaching assistants for introductory classes. 在圣. 爱德华的, 所有课程都由教授授课, 但学生助教帮助指导和领导学习课程. You’ll expand your communication and people skills by helping other students learn the material. If you’re interested in teaching, you could also become a tutor in the 数学实验室.


Three math majors assisted faculty with graduate-level research to produce the only sounding data available in Southcentral Texas during Hurricane Harvey.